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HIV/AIDS Awareness program

Under support of STRATEGIES FOR HOPE (UK)


A two day workshop have been carried out in Kazimia


This workshop have been fully appreciated and needed as it to urged religious leaders, groups and associations to become more involved in the field of



The workshop was held to support HIV prevention efforts to fight against stigma and discrimination of people living with HIV and AIDS. That was an important aspect.


Indeed, such stigma and discrimination is a violation of human dignity.

In addition, they promote infection by compromising the will to get tested while the knowledge of one's HIV status is an important element of the efforts of individuals and communities to mitigate the spread of the epidemic.


The Workshop used the following materials published by STRATEGIES FOR HOPE

<>·Parenting: a Journey of Love’

<>·Positive Voices


Participants to the workshop were inter-alia: Pastor, church elder , youth group leaders , support group members to people living with HIV, women's group leaders ( church and local associations l) as well as traditional leaders


Participants during the workshop



Education on reproductive health

Under FEDA Support and stakeholders

Training on reproductive health During 4 days from 23 -26 June,2015, the training addressed important issues especially- behavioral interventions to influence individual behavior patterns by improving control over sexual activity.

The training brought together 124 women, girls, Young male and other community members from Kazimia centre and 6 surrounding villages 


Participants are promoted in sexual behavioral change, enabled to build independence, self-respect, and maturity and felt in control of their lives to be essential in building blocks for the future of a healthy and modern nation

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